List of Mediators


Viet Nam International Arbitration Centre panel of arbitrators includes domestic legal experts, international arbitrators, in addition to industry specialists. This broad array of diversity showcased on our panel directly facilitates the flexibility and efficiency of VIAC arbitration; arbitrators are appointed by, or on behalf of, the joint nomination of the Parties.

NAME Profession Scope of Activities Languages
CHRISTOPHER TO Barrister-at-law Construction and Real Estate, Energy, Information Technology Chinese, English
DANNY MCFADDEN Mediator, Trainer, Lawyer and Businessman Settlement of disputes Chinese, English
FRANCIS WAI HUNG Professional Dispute Resolution Expert Intellectual Property, International Commercial Law, Finace and Banking Chinese, English
HEW R. DUNDAS Chartered Arbitrator, CEDR-Accredited Mediator and Expert Determiner in practice full-time as Sole Practitioner in Private Dispute Resolution Arbitration , Settlement of disputes English
JALAL EL AHDAB Partner | BIRD & BIRD, Paris Settlement of disputes, Law Italian, Spanish, French, English
JONATHAN S. LUX NGO, ATOR International Commercial Law German, French, English
JOONGI KIM Professor of Law | Yonsei Law School Trading, Investment, Construction and Real Estate Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English
KAZUHIKO NISHIHARA Lawyer Employment, Real estate, International transaction, Labor, Arbitration Japanese, English
KEVIN KIM Attorney at Law Arbitration , Settlement of disputes Korean, Japanese, English
LEON GLIKMAN Attorney at Law (Sworn Advocate), Partner. Head of arbitration, mediation and litigation team Arbitration , Settlement of disputes Spanish, Russian, English
  • Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân
    Đài truyền hình thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
    Thời báo Kinh tế Sài Gòn
    Hội luật Quốc tế Việt Nam
    Phòng Thương mại và Công nghiệp Việt Nam
    International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute
    Korean International Mediation Center
    Singapore International Mediation Centre
    Shanghai Commercial Mediation Center (SCMC)
    Câu lạc bộ Luật sư thương mại quốc tế
    Internation Finance Corporation
    Báo Diễn đàn doanh nghiệp